I was empty inside

“Isn't it amazing what a prayer can do? When it all seems hopeless it'll pull ya through.”

“Business was booming. I had a wonderful family, I had a lovely young wife, and I had accomplished more than I ever thought I would. I had moved north seeking a better life for my wife and family, and from the world’s point of view I had it all…But I was empty inside, hopeless! The more I had, the more I bought, the more I saw, the more I did, the less fulfilled I became.

In the fall of 1989 I sat in my new boat on a local lake so desperate that I had actually planned to step off the edge of the boat. I had lots of life insurance… I’d be out and away from all of the pain of all the lies and deception I’d been living… not only with myself but with others… My wife would be compensated, my family would be raised, and we’d all win.

That morning I heard a former rock and roll singer singing the song “Isn’t It Amazing What A Prayer Can Do” and because I was an old rock-and-roller I knew that sound, I just couldn’t understand why he was singing about God? The words to that song were really quite simple – Isn’t it amazing what a prayer can do, when it all seems hopeless it’ll pull you through.” I decided that morning I’d go find out what this guy was talking about. That was the beginning; I didn’t know God, but it was a very slow turn toward following God.

I’ve been a music listener for all my life and very influenced and affected by it and so I went looking for it.  I went looking for more Christian music. The Promise FM was a source and I just think that’s a tremendous advantage.

When you look at what the radio station needs to survive, I became more and more convicted.  I’ve read more and more scripture about such things as tithing and blessing...You know God requires, he’s very clear, he says it’s got to be our first offerings, not our leftovers.  And when we give, the blessing comes to us.“



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