Listener’s Stories: Days of Promise

"Now we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose"

Romans 8:28 NKJV

The Promise FM is a listener supported ministry. That means YOU keep The Promise FM broadcasting the truth and hope of Christ on multiple platforms: radio, smart phones, computers, and Alexa. 

Your support is reaching more hearts, more deeply! Here’s how you are impacting our listeners:

Ya know you get a song stuck in your head? With TPFM I get spiritually uplifting songs stuck, especially helpful when I had COVID.”


We love your station. Have the signs in our yard. You are so important in our lives. I don't know what I would do without you. I know how much it does for me. Christians have hard times hit them, too. We need you.”

-Rodney and Nichole

Please pray for me as I go through some big life changes. I also would like to pray for you all. You guys truly are a gift from the Lord Almighty! Thank you for all you do! God bless you and love you guys!”


In this world of craziness, thank you for putting the Gospel message out on the airwaves, where it provides truth & encouragement to all. Especially to some folks who would never hear it any other way. Thanks for what you do every day!”



Promise FM Sticker Stop


Nick and Carol’s Story